
Kokoro by Natsume Soseki



Approach everything rationally, and you become harsh. Pole along in the stream of emotions, and you will be swept away by the current. Give free rein to your desires, and you become uncomfortably confined. It is not a very agreeable place to live, this world of ours.


-- The Three-Cornered World, Natsume Soseki





Part 1: Sensei and I



Their Meeting




The Graveyard



Famous People in Zoshigaya Cemetary

More People at Zoshigaya







Sensei's Philosophy



The Narrator's Family




Back to Tokyo







Part 2: My Family and I


Nature as Symbol



Back Home



The Royal We




The Generations



Giri vs. Ninjo



Part 3: The Sensei and his Testament


The Impetus




The Sensei's Past




Uncle Sensei





Okusan and Ojosan



YouTube plugin error







Outside Resources

Essay on Soseki


Essay on Kokoro from the Quarterly Conversation






Art Project